I try to pick the fruits before they fully ripen, and harvest a good few 'greenies' too, as including these underipen fruit makes the jam set better (well I was taught this at a Church group when I gave a talk one night and who am I to argue with ladies of far more experience than me!)
Blackcurrants are super easy to grow, and some would say a SuperFood with lots of health benefits (see the Blackcurrant Foundation of the UK website)
Remember that once you have a few good plants you can propagate more by taking cuttings

I pick all the fruit and put it in the pot, follow the recipe and then skim the stalks and things off the top as the mixture boils (this I give to the hens...they love it!!)
We then did the pectin test on a saucer and proceeded to fill the jars (note my fancy smancy home made funnel lol)