The programme will be made up of the following:
wk 1 Seasonal focus on growing herbs, the who's,the wheres and the what nots to growing great herbs
Indian cookery workshop on using herbs and balancing flavours with herbs in Indian cookery
wk2 Seasonal focus on salad leaves and salad crops
Indian cookery workshop on how to make authentic indian salads
wk 3Seasonal focus on vegetables in the kitchen gardens
Indian cookery workshop on creating vegetarian indian dishes
Okay so the details:
Plot2Plate Workshop Indian Style
Dates 13th,20th,27th april
Cost £50 per head, numbers limited to 10.
Participants will all recieved/produce plants for them to take home so they can have the fresh produce to re-create Sangeetas cooking at home and all Sangeetas cooking will include enough for everyone to have a good taste at.
To reserve a place please leave a comment below. Your place must be paid for in advance (by 30th March), moneys can be left c/o Mark Roberts in The Playtrail Office, Racecourse Rd, Derry.
First come first served. I expect this to be very very popular and no-doubt it will be major league popular so i'm sure I can persuade Sangeeta to run a second series.