The Muff Community Garden has gone from strength to strength over the past two years since it began as a green space, attached to the Warren View Manor sheltered housing complex, which was kindly donated by the HSE to the community. Since then, the project has received assistance from Groundwork NI and the Border Villages Social Integration Project. Indeed, this initiative is not only a great example of cross-border co-operation, but also one with an inter-generational aspect to it as well. There are at present eighteen plots in use with the gardeners coming from the Muff locality and the area of Culmore, just over the border in Derry. The garden, which boasts impressive facilities including the use of a polytunnel, greenhouse, raised beds and storage for all, is accessed by all ages of the community from young families with their children, right up to elderly residents of the sheltered housing complex. Katheryn Hegarty, of Warren View Manor, explains “Many of our residents have become involved which I believe has been a great thing for them. As you know the elderly can often become isolated, but the garden has facilitated new friendships and new interests. I read a great quote which I think sums up the experience for many of our gardeners, which was "Plant seeds, grow friendships"”.
This shared space has a real community feel to it and can be a platform for many great things in the future. It calls to mind another quote, by Audrey Hepburn, which is “To plant a garden, is to believe in tomorrow”.