Saturday 9th November 2013
Would you like to learn the art of hedgerow laying? This involves cutting hedgerow stems near ground level, so that they bend without breaking and continue to grow. The laid stems are arranged to form a stock proof barrier, with new growth from the cut stumps rejuvenating the hedge and thickening the base.
The Hedge Laying Association of Ireland will provide practical hedge laying training, on Saturday 9th November, meeting at the Brackfield Bawn car park, just off Glenshane Road at Killaloo. A bus will take participants from the car park to the farm site.
This half day practical training will demonstrate how to successfully manage hedgerows and restore their basic function as stock proof barriers. A well laid hedge provides a habitat for badgers, rabbits, hedgehogs, bees, birds and bats between woodlands, farmland, parks and gardens.
This event forms part of the Hedgerows Grow West project, which is a partnership project across eleven councils in the west of Northern Ireland. The project aims to restore and enhance hedgerows for the benefit of biodiversity, through working with people and passing on vital skills in conservation. This event is funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and Derry City Council. As places are limited, booking is essential. Please wear suitable warm waterproof clothing and footwear. For further information visit http://www.derrycity.gov.uk/Biodiversity/Projects or telephone Christine Doherty on 02871 365151 or email [email protected]