Date: Sun 14th October
Time: 11am
Venue: Learmount Forest, Park Village, Co Derry
Cost: Donation for charity (charity TBC)
We'll be on the hunt for the edible fungii delights of county derry, Learmount offers both boradleaved and conifer woodlands so hopefully they're will be some to find.
Learmount is rediculously beautiful anyways, with the path network and the castle so its a lovely place to go for a stroll anyways!
A few links here and here for you to look at first
you will need : a knife, a basket, a small paintbrush, wet gear, boots....
Read them two links, understand the dangers.....get familiar with a few. On the day we'll set off in groups....find what we can and then meet up and pick through what we have and go through making sure that all we have is edible types.....if in doubt we'll throw it out!!
(if i was you i'd print of the pictures, laminae them and then they're easy to referance when your out foraging)
Leave a comment on he blog if your coming please....