Rudbeckias are also know as the cone flowers and are a very vibrant plant for your garden. Chim Chiminee is no exception to this, and has an unrivalled colour palette of rustic hues.
With long lasting flowers through summer and autumn, as the picture shows, the plants are covered in large vivid flowers in a myriad of sunset shades, each with a black-brown central cone - hence the common name.
Chim Chiminee however differs from the usual Rudbeckias you might find in that the petals of each flower are quilled creating an unusual and dazzling effect. This lends them fantastically as a unique addition to your garden or even to be cut and used as a cut flower.
Easy to grow, these are very tolerant plants, they'll do best in full sun, and thrive in well drain retentive soil. They'll reach around 60-80cms tall, and keep flowering until the first frosts, particularly if you dead head regularly. Cut down to ground level and mulch well once the frosts come, and they'll reshoot next year too!
Plants are supplied as pictured in approx. 9cm pots, plant out, keep well watered and watch them grow out bigger and better - Pack of SIX Plants.
SPECIAL DEAL - Usually 24.99 for SIX, today just 9.99 - Save £15!!!