Salthill Gardens website is here, lots of great information there also
There are no team of gardeners in Salthill, no army of tractors and the likes, there is Elizabeth Temple....and a few helpers from time to time...the garden is a credit to Elizabeth and her skill and determination to create something special in the worst of Donegal soils, only a 100yards from the sea....amazing sight folks
Salthill Gardens is open to the public, from May through to September (full details on their website here)
I would recommend that you visit this garden at the start of the year, the middle and again at the end of the season. The array of Cottage garden perennials, unusual shrubs, old fashioned roses (all the walls are covered in rambling roses in the summer!) and trees are a must to be seen.....and for only 5 euro you'd be a fool not to call in and be I write this I'm already planning my next trip down.....