Social Enterprice community groups are invited to use this stall to sell fresh produce, planted containers, herbs, garden plants....any fresh produce they are producing in their community group/ community centre or school garden.
The stall will be co-ordinated by BBC Radio Foyles Gareth Austin, and groups who wish to join the market should contact Gareth on [email protected] or 07506242774 so that Gareth can co-ordinate space.
Use of the stall is Free to the community garden, and each garden will staff and sell their produce on the day, offering helpful advice on maintenance, growing on etc etc
Each month the stall will offer seasonal plants, produce and the like all grown in the award winning community garden network that exists in the City of Culture.
I personally am delighted with this proposal, many gardens produce surpluss of the best of organic produce and many gardens have facilities to grow and produce plants, by selling produce and plants they will be bale to raise much needed funds to develop their community gardens...
In advance of each market, I will try to post up details of what the gardens are offering for sale that month.....
Good or Bad idea?